Saturday, February 11, 2012

Gratis Download Microsoft Office Visio 2007

Share Software dari Microsoft neh gan, Jadi buat sobat yang kuliah dibidangteknik, tentu membutuhkan software ini. truz kenapa saya share yang versi 2007? bukan yang 2010? karena isinya lebih lengkap bro, ukuran Filenya Juga lebih besar juga. Sudah saya sertakan serial Number didalamnya...

What’s so great about Visio 2007? 

Our primary investment focuses on visualizing business information.  We’ve made it significantly easier to bring your business data into Visio and visualize it in a diagram.  Data Link is a new feature that imports data from external sources and associates that data with individual shapes in the drawing.  Data Graphics is a new feature that surfaces your data in graphical ways.  Combined with the ability to refresh from the data source, these features turn your Visio diagram into a living document.
While Data Link helps you add data to your existing diagram, Visio 2007 introduces a new drawing type called PivotDiagrams.  Similar in concept to Excel PivotTables, PivotDiagrams dynamically present tabular data in a hierarchical form.  By pivoting on different columns in the data, the diagram changes to aggregate information based on the breakdown specified.  PivotDiagrams are a great way to explore large data sets and present meaningful information visually.
Visio 2007 also makes it easy to communicate with your audience.  A new Themes feature provides one click formatting to drawings, giving them a professional appearance.  Publish as PDF or XPS lets you distribute diagrams in a fixed format.  Also Outlook 2007 has the Visio Viewer built right in.  Sharing Visio drawings has never been easier.


Via: MediaFire & Indowebster
Size: 422 Mb

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